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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/11/12

6:30PM Town Office Meeting Room
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Shane Hastings,
Joshua Trow, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Emma Smith Vice-Chairman
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet
Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to approve the following CZC’s
Parcel ID: 0126-0025-0000 100 Garnet Hill Road Scott Griffith
Parcel ID: 0211-0010-0000 1103 Route 11 Margaret Dunbar
Parcel ID: 0206-0012-0000 127 Prospect Hill Road Tracy Hauck
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings Unanimous
Motion to approve the following sign permit
Parcel ID: 0106-0021-0000 1250 Route 11 Sunapee Cove
By Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow Unanimous.
Motion to approve the following Property Tax Abatements:
Parcel ID: 0224-0015-0000 North Road Town of Sunapee
Parcel ID: 0124-0011-0000 Ryder Corner Road Town of Sunapee
By Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling Unanimous

7:00PM-Public Hearing Excavation Ordinance
Chairman Gallup opened the public hearing at 7:00PM. Scott Hazelton reviewed the proposed changes to the excavation ordinance. Scott Hazelton went on to say, that after talking with the local contractors, the thing that needs to be improved is the permitting process. Scott Hazelton is going to work with the Town Planner and Zoning Administrator to try to simplify the driveway and excavation permit, application and process.   
Chairman Gallup closed the public hearing at 7:22PM Motion to adopt the regulations governing excavations in town highways and streets as amended and the grammatical changes discussed tonight by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
Scott Hazelton-Acceptance of Anthony Gift
On November 4th, Scott Hazelton received a letter from Tate & Josie Anthony, which Scott Hazelton read to the Board. The letter thanked the Highway Department for their quick response, and a great job done on Rolling Rock Road. Enclosed with the letter, was a $500 gift certificate to One Mile West. Scott Hazelton will write a letter to thank the Mr. and Mrs. Anthony for their gift and with the Board’s permission, use the gift certificate to take the Highway Department to lunch.

Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that there is a state statue regarding municipal employees accepting gifts over $25, which is why Scott Hazelton approached the Board, who has the authority to accept the gift for the Town.
Motion to thank Mr. and Mrs. Anthony for their thoughtfulness to the Highway Department and encourage the Highway Director to take his staff and utilize the gift by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.

Scott Hazelton-Used Equipment Fund
Scott Hazelton found a used plow to put on the Ford F350 pick-up. The plow is a 2007 Boss 9 foot and the cost is $2500. The plow would sell for $4500 to $5500 brand new. Selectman Trow asked if the truck currently had a plow, Scott Hazelton replied it did not. Chairman Gallup asked if Scott Hazelton would be the operator of that truck. Scott Hazelton stated it would be him and the town maintenance man would be using the truck, to assist when the loader cannot get to a parking lot sooner than it needs too. Selectman Hastings asked if there was a sander for that truck, Scott Hazelton replied not at this time.   
Motion to withdraw funds from the Used Equipment Fund and allow Scott Hazelton to purchase the used plow for the F350, valued at $2500 by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.
7:30PM-Scott Blewitt-Acceptance of Seniors Gift
Scott Blewitt received a donation from the Sunapee Thrift Shop Seniors for $300, which would go towards the ice skating rink. Motion to accept the $300 from the  
Sunapee Thrift Shop Seniors and permit Scott Blewitt to spend on the ice skating rink by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.

Public Comments   
John Augustine stated it was his understanding that none of the town departments has expressed a desire to use the old library building. John Augustine knows the Board would further discuss the building’s usage in the spring, but suggested the Board solicit proposals for the use of the building by putting an ad in the newspapers, Kearsarge Shopper or radio ads, so when their ready to discuss in the spring they might have some interested people. Chairman Gallup said the Board would consider it.   

•Chairman Gallup read into the minutes the resignation letter from Eileen Stiles, Harbor House Livery. The Board accepted the resignation and asked the Town Manager to send a letter to thank her for her service to the Town.
•The Board signed the Pole License Resolution that was adopted at the October 30th meeting.
Motion for the Board to sign the 2013 Equalization Municipal Assessment Data Certificate by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous

•Donna Nashawaty explained why the ambulance line was over budget by $3,261.88. There was an agreement made with New London Hospital, the way the hospital bills, their fiscal year, and the Town’s fiscal year, that both parties agreed to split the difference, however this occurred in January during the Town’s budget hearings and there was not enough money allotted for it. The Fire Chief has said that he would use one of his line items to make up the difference, but the ambulance is a separate MS line item, so the Board has to make a motion to transfer the money from the Fire Department’s budget to the ambulance budget.
Motion to authorize the transfer of $3,261.88 from the fire budget to the ambulance budget by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.     
Donna Nashawaty would like to edit the health insurance section of the personnel rules and regulations. The Town determines a full-time employee as someone who regularly works 35 hours per week or more. According to the health care reform act, a full-time employee is someone who regularly works 30 hours per week or more, and now has to have the ability to get health care through the Town. The changes made will allow the employee to buy-in to the Town’s healthcare at full cost to the employee. Donna Nashawaty stated that the Town has three employees who would be eligible.
Motion to approve the changes to the health insurance of the employee handbook, Section 311 by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous.    

•Chairman Gallup wanted to mention that Executive Council Ray Burton passed away this morning.
•Selectman Hastings received a complaint regarding the Mt Royal student drop-off, which has parents parking on both sides of the road. Selectman Hastings suggested that maybe Chief Cahill look.   

•Donna Nashawaty stated that last week was a busy week and thanked the Board for the great budget session.
•The Board received the October monthly budget report.

Chairman Gallup asked how the Board would like to handle future discussions on the budget. After much discussion, the focus will be budget discussions at the November 25th among the Board of Selectmen members. They added December 2nd and invited the Budget Advisory Committee to meet with them and on December 9th to follow-up with unanswered questions on the budget. Donna Nashawaty will have the Department Heads at the November 25th meeting to answer any additional questions the Board and Budget Advisory Committee might want answered.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow